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12 Volt 210 Amp Alternator-to-Battery Charger

Price: $580.00
In Stock
Item Number: AB12210
Manufacturer: Sterling Power
Manufacturer Part No: AB12210

Sterling Power USA Alternator-to-Battery Chargers

  • Not just a product – a whole new concept: all the performance of an advanced alternator regulator without all the fitting.  

  • Why wait to arrive at your destination to plug in your battery charger? With the Sterling Power Alternator-to-Battery Charger you can provide your batteries a 4 step charging profile of up to 200 amps from your alternator while not being plugged into shore power!

  • The Sterling Power Alternator-to-Battery Charger is a marine grade, high performance, four step, alternator powered battery charger. By monitoring and then controlling the voltage level of the alternator connected to the input side, the alt-to-bat is able to provide a charge rate that recovers your batteries up to five times faster than a standard alternator.

  • Has the ability to mix on board battery types.

  • Can charge GEL, AGM, Flooded, Calcium Batteries among other types.

    (not ideal for Charging Lithiums, see our line of "Battery to Battery Chargers" for best Alternator Lithium charging)

  • Always ensures start battery is properly charged, but also prevents the starting battery from being overcharged and damaged.

  • Our 4 Step Battery Charging Profile extends the life of your batteries by ensuring a full charge & conditioning, as well as entering a float mode when charging is complete to protect against overcharging your batteries.

  • Installs in place of a standard alternator to battery isolator.

  • Available in 12 volt / 130 amp, 210 amp and 400 amp output models.

  • Available in 24 volt / 100 amp and 200 amp output models. 

  • Optional Remote Available: 

    (Remotes for AB12210 and AB24100 remote Part # is ABRC)

     Appearance of the 12v, 130 Amp Alternator-to-Battery Charger Model. 
    (Most Compact Case Size, measures: 11 inches long by 8 inches wide by 3 inches thick)

    (not ideal for Charging Lithiums, see our line of "Battery to Battery Chargers" for best Alternator Lithium charging)



    Appearance of the AB12210 & AB24100 Alternator-to-Battery Charger Models (Mid Size

    measures: 10 inches long by 11 inches wide by 3 inches thick)

    (not ideal for Charging Lithiums, see our line of "Battery to Battery Chargers" for best Alternator Lithium charging)


     Appearance of the AB12400 and the AB24200 Models 
    (Largest Case Size measures: 14.25 inches long by 11 inches wide by 3 inches thick)

    (not ideal for Charging Lithiums, see our line of "Battery to Battery Chargers" for best Alternator Lithium charging)

    Optional Remote control kit -

    You can purchase a Remote Control you can use w/ the Sterling-Power Alternator to Battery Charger. Remotes for AB12210 and AB24100 remote Part # is ABRC. ABRC Remote Kit includes: the remote panel, 10 meters of pre wired link cable and two 200 amp pre wired shunts. The 2 shunts enable 2 real time current readings to be measured and a single total calculated current reading to be measured.

    (Please note, there is an a different remote part #ABRCN. Please note that the ABRCN remote can ONLY be used with the AB12130 model charger.)


    Read this Sail Magazine article discussing the Sterling Power Alternator to Battery Charger. This article entiled "Hard Charging: A New Way to Charge Batteries" was written by Peter Nielsen of Sail Magazine on March 30th, 2012.

    What's an Alternator to Battery Charger? 

    View a Summary Sheet of our Alternator to Battery Charger Line. Power USA - Alt to Batt Product Sheet.pdf

    Owner’s Manual and installation instructions for Alternator to Battery Chargers Models: AB12210 & AB24100: to Battery Charger Owners Manual and Installation Instructions for all models excluding AB12130.pdf 

    Technical information: